The Chamber is honoured with representation to the following Public Bodies. The periodical Meetings of these Public Bodies have been attended by the President / respective nominees of Chamber, where the subjects presented by Chamber Nominees have been honourably considered for necessary implementation.

1. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry, New Delhi : President / Nominee*
2. Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Bengaluru : President / Nominee*
3. Confederation of Indian Industry, (Southern Region), Bengaluru/ Chennai. : President / Nominee*
4. Bangalore Chamber of Industry & Commerce, Bengaluru. : President
5. Indian Merchants’ Chamber, Mumbai : President / Nominee*
6. Mangalore SEZ Limited, Mangaluru : President
7. Railways
  i) Station Consultative Committee,
Southern Railway, Mangaluru
: President / Nominee*
  ii) D.R.U.C.C., Palghat : Sri M. Ahmed Bawa
  iii) ZRUCC, Chennai :
  iv) Konkan Railway Users’ Consultative
Committee, Belapur, Navi Mumbai
: Sri G. G. Mohandas Prabhu
Past President.
8. Customs & Central Excise
  i) Customs- Regional Advisory and Public
: President / Nominee
  ii) GST Committee Services : CA  Keshava N. Ballakuraya,
CA Abdur Rahman Musba
9. Commercial Taxes – VAT / Introduction of GST
  State Level Commercial Taxes Advisory Committee : CA  G. Nandagopal Shenoy,
CA   Abdur Rahman Musba
10. Education
  i)   Shree Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara
College of Business Management,
Mangaluru – Governing Council
: President / Nominee*
  ii)  Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Mangalore
for advisory Committee for Technical &
Vocational Education to Disabled
Persons in WPT (Women’s Polytechnic)
: President / Nominee*
  iii)  Karnataka (Govt.) Polytechnic, Mangaluru – nomination for the Board of Management (BOM) : President / Nominee*
11. Industry
  i)   District Level Single Window Agency
High Power Committee
: President / Hon. Secretary
  ii)  Industrial Areas Plot / Land Allotment
High Power Committee
: President / Hon. Secretary
  iii) District Kaigarika Spandana : President / Hon. Secretary
  iv) District level Skill Development
: President / Director
12. Centre for Entrepreneurship Opportunities and Learning (CEOL) – Incubation Centre : President / Hon. Secretaries,      Sri Ashith B. Hegde, Director and Chairman of IT Sub-Committee of KCCI, Sri Lionel Aranha (CA,LLB), Hon. Legal Advisory.
13. Post & Telecom 
  i) Postal Consultative Forum, Mangaluru Division(Post Forum)
: Sri K. Surendra Prabhu
14. Smart City Advisory Forum : President / Nominee
  Other Bodies
  i)   Zilla Sainik Board, D. K. Mangaluru : President / Nominee*
  ii)  District Level Road Safety Committee,
D.K., Mangaluru
: President
  iii) Pilikula Nisarga Dhama Society (R) : President*
  iv) Karnataka State Pollution Control Board,
: President / Nominee
15. NITK Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Park (NITK-STEP), Formerly KREC – STEP, Surathkal : Board  Members – Past President
Smt. Vathika Pai, Director Sri Divakar Pai Kochikar, Director Sri B. A. Nazeer.
16. D. K. Nirmithi Kendra, NITK, Surathkal : CA Ananthesh V. Prabhu
17. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) : Shri P. B. Ahmed Mudassar /
Shri Nissar Fakeer Mohammed
* Whenever KCCI nominations are called for these Bodies.