Photograph shows KCCI President Er. Jeevan Saldanha addressing the Press / Media on NMPT proposed PPP of Berth No.8(14) at the Meeting Hall of KCCI on 16-11-2016. Others in the Photograph are [L to R] Sri Mohammed Ameen, Past President and KCCI Nominee trustee on NMPT Board, Sri Prashanth C. G., Director & Chairman, Shipping & Port Relations Sub-Committee of KCCI, Ms. Vathika Pai, Vice-President, Sri Praveen Kumar Kalbhavi and Sri P. B. Abdul Hameed, Hon. Secretaries of KCCI, Sri Praveen Kumar, Mangalore Steamer Agent’s Association, Mangalore.
KCCI President Er. Jeevan Saldanha address the Press / Media on the NMPT proposed move for PPP of Berth No. 8(14) at the Meeting Hall of KCCI on 16-11-2016.