Others in the Photograph [L to R] Sri M. Ganesh Bhat, Hon. Treasurer, KCCI, Mr. Pratul Tandon, CIPAM/DIPP, Mr. M. Ram Jawahar, Assistant Controller of Patents & Designs, Indian Patent Office, Mr. K. Socrates, Deputy Director, Ministry of MSME, Yeyyadi, Mangalore, Ms. Abirama Sundara Valli, Senior Examiner of Trademarks & GI, Indian Trade Mark Registry, Ms. Vathika Pai, Hon. Secretary, KCCI.

Others in the Photograph [L to R] Sri M. Ganesh Bhat, Hon. Treasurer, KCCI, Mr. Pratul Tandon, CIPAM/DIPP, Mr. M. Ram Jawahar, Assistant Controller of Patents & Designs, Indian Patent Office, Mr. Rammohan Pai Maroor, President, KCCI, Ms. Abirama Sundara Valli, Senior Examiner of Trademarks & GI, Indian Trademark & GI, Indian Trade Mark Registry, Ms. Vathika Pai, Hon. Secretary, KCCI.